Monday, August 26, 2019

Marxism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marxism - Essay Example The main belief of Marxism revolves around the following teams: Analysis of capitalism identifies and discusses different aspects of capitalism. Some of these aspects include "alienation" of workers, exploitation and the source of profits,  economic growth and development, economic crises,  business cycles, wage labour and surplus value, and the value of commodities (, n. pag). The theoretical foundation of Marxism is in the materialist conception of history. In simple terms it is the application of Marxist thought to historical development.  According to Marxists the main driving force of history is the class struggle. As Marx and Engels wrote in "The Communist Manifesto",  "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." (, n. pag) According to Marxists believe, the society is divided into separate classes. Bourgeoisie (capitalists) and the proletariat (workers) are the two main classes under capitalism according to Marx and Engels. The fourth important issue they addressed is after the proletariat have taken state power themselves, they will consolidate their position as the new ruling class of society through the so called "revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat". This "dictatorship" of the working class will be the midway between capitalism and communism (, n. pag). Marxs passion towards communism was his focus which was far more important than the class struggle, the dialectic, the theory of surplus value, and all the others. Marx categorically discarded those utopian socialists who sought to arrive at communism through a gradual and evolutionary process, through a balanced advancement of the good. In fact Marx harked back to the apocalyptics, the post-millennia1 coercive German and Dutch Anabaptists of the sixteenth century, and to the various groups of pre-millennial Christians (Rothbard, 123-179). Earlier to the popularization of the Race, Gender

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